• Lucky Dawes

    Thank you for taking some time and getting to know me. My name is Lucky, it’s short for Lakshita. I’m from India and came to the States for college. I studied Computer science and during my last year in college I met my husband Derrick. He is my “completely head over heels” kind of love. We have been married for almost 5 years now and are proud parents of our beautiful daughter Morley Samyra. She is the center of my world right now and also the inspiration of Snugz N Hugz.

    Time goes by fast but when you have a little one it flies with a speed of light and before we know the little one isn’t so little anymore. I’m a first time mother and it was hard for me to see my baby grow up. Every time I would look at her newborn or 3 month clothing, tears would start flowing wishing I could just stop time. 

    I couldn’t fathom throwing away her clothes, every time I would look at them I would remember her first laugh, how she snuggled up close to me, our first outing. I wanted to preserve these memories in a time capsule. That’s when I thought about creating Snugz N Hugz. I wanted to encompass all the memories and significant milestones of my babies development in a bear.  I love repurposing fabrics and making something new out of them.

    I’m so glad that I could include you on this journey with me. I believe in living a very grateful and loved life, and I’m so grateful to be sharing my Hugz with you. With humility I’m living my dream and I thank you for being a part of it. 


    Lakshita Dawes

  • Brinne Stone

    Hello! My name is Brinne Stone and this is my “B” hive! I am the wife of Brandon and the mother of 4… (All with names that start with “B”.) I have a Bachelors degree in marriage and family studies where I emphasized in parent education. Since graduation, I have furthered my education in emotional intelligence and have focused on how to build interpersonal relationships.

My love for sewing came when I was maybe 8 years old. I remember making little pillows, from scratch fabric, and taking them to a little old lady in my neighborhood. Whenever she’d get another pillow, she’d put it on her couch to display to all her kids and grand kids. I was so proud! A few year later, I remember making a white bed skirt and purple curtains with my grandma. I cherish the memory of sitting at the table with her as she taught me new techniques.

With my passions of sewing and building relationships/ memories, it’s no wonder I have come to love creating “Snug-z!”

Creating blankets full of memories fills my heart with joy and pride. When I’m shipped a new box of memories, be it uniforms and spirit shirts or shirts n’ pants of passed on loved ones, my heart is filled with gratitude that I have been given the privilege of making a new cherished memory for someone. I don’t take this honor lightly. I feel truly grateful. 

I believe your treasured items started on a journey with you, served you well and continue on a journey with me. As I create a new life for them, I feel each item falls into its perfect spot. Each “snug” has its own personality and story. It is my honor to work with them to create something beautiful for you. 

Thank you for this honor and privilege! 

With so much love, 
